The working method of DevelopWizard

The magic of DevelopWizard starts with a good introduction. We believe that open communication is essential for a long-term cooperation. We will therefore continue to ask questions, poke fun at things from time to time and give you the necessary unsolicited advice.

Before we start

If you want to know something, you have to ask questions. And we want to know everything about your company and your project. Prior to your project, we ask you questions about your expectations and technical preconditions. We want to get to know your business. Who is your target group, what are your goals.

Of course, we will tell you all about how we work and what we think is important. After all, you do want to know who you are entering into a partnership with, don't you? Want to know more about us? Just ask!

Clear quotation

When it is clear to us exactly what you are looking for, we will make sure you receive a clear offer. In it, we specify exactly what we are going to do and when, and how the quote price was arrived at. So you know exactly what you are getting into.

Project flow

Each project goes through different phases. This provides the structure needed to bring your project to a successful conclusion. We distinguish the following phases:


We start with a thorough functional analysis, examine your business logic and explore the necessary APIs and links to other systems. We also make an inventory of your online marketing requirements and come up with a responsive prototype.


At the end of the analysis phase, we have a technically working prototype. Now it is the turn of our designers. We do not use purchased themes, but provide each client with a unique design. Based on your styleguide, we deliver custom-made designs that perfectly match your corporate identity. No corporate identity yet? We can help you with that too.

Find out more about web design

Agile development

The next phase is the development phase. This is the most extensive phase. That is why we work agile. You receive a release in two-week sprints. You know exactly how your project is going. We use your feedback during each sprint to make adjustments, if necessary.


3….2…1… LAUNCH!
The moment your site goes live is a mighty fine moment. Of course we have made sure that all necessary certificates are in place, your redirects are perfected and your sitemaps are up to date. Your site is live, time to start your online marketing campaign.

Discover how DevelopWizard takes your online marketing to the next level


Is our work done when your site is online? Not as far as we are concerned. We keep track of various metrics to monitor the performance of your website, webshop or app. Any bottlenecks quickly become visible and opportunities for improvement come to light. We implement these changes and then test them extensively via A/B testing.

Is the adjustment an improvement? Then our designers take care of the right looks, after which the new version is launched and we improve again. Continuous improvement is our aim.

Meet us?

Do you want to turn your digital project into reality? Drop by for a good chat.

Meet DevelopWizard

About DevelopWizard

DevelopWizard specialises in developing apps, webshops and websites that fit seamlessly into your overall business strategy.